- February 9, 2025 12:31 pm
- California
Harry Lee
When Emmy Award-winning producer Edward Walson (Blue Jasmine) and Emmy-nominated ABC News Producer Bryan Keinz approached CitrusBits about creating a video-based debate app, our team quickly understood and aligned with their compelling vision. The Erupt app would foster healthy and intelligent discussion (via debates) among young people on pressing societal issues, mediated by non-partisan moderators.
The Erupt app would center around a reliable and scalable live video and VOD experience, along with a captivating user experience for debate participants and viewers alike – all while keeping things simple for users venturing into this exciting new format.
CitrusBits’ design and development teams broke huddle and went to work respectively on (a) providing a simple-to-use, addictive user experience for debate participants and viewers alike, and (b) building reliable, scalable, and high-performing live streaming and VOD capabilities, along with critical debate moderation, program scheduling, and other administrative capabilities.
For the backend live video and VOD capabilities, we partnered once again with Agora, a leading cloud-based provider CitrusBits worked extensively with on behalf of their other clients. CitrusBits’ development team worked hand-in-hand with Agora’s technical staff to ensure Erupt’s video hosting would be scalable, employing load testing to simulate millions of concurrent requests.
As the user-facing application neared completion, CitrusBits product, design, and development teams worked to iron out crucial administrative capabilities like content/user moderation and program scheduling — to ensure that Erupt’s fast-approaching and well-publicized platform launch would be a success.
Just four months after project kickoff, CitrusBits was able to deliver a fully-functional, scalable, and video-based debate app that has impressed the client, their investors, and most importantly, the fast-growing community of users and viewers the app was designed for. The Erupt team is excited to be continuing its collaboration with CitrusBits and creating exciting new experiences within the Erupt app.
CitrusBits is a mobile app development agency that designs and develops impactful mobile apps and responsive mobile content for businesses of all types. CitrusBits is firmly planted at the intersection of user-focused design, mobile app development, digital strategy, and emerging technologies.
Having developed critical mobile apps for clients including Burger King, Quiksilver, Symantec, and Sotheby’s, CitrusBits is trusted by movers and shakers across all major industries. Yet, we’ve also enjoyed helping small and midsize businesses and select startups turn their mobile aspirations into juicy ROI.
They are passionate about leveraging mobile technology – including iOS, Android, augmented reality, blockchain, and The Internet of Things (IoT) – to help businesses disrupt entire industries and reach their loftiest goals.
Burger King came to CitrusBits to rebuild and expand their empire. Reviews were showing that users were not satisfied with the previous iteration of their app, which lacked the multilingual and international capabilities a true ruler should have. Maintaining stellar performance when handling a large number of users is always a challenge, and in this case our quest was even more epic because we had to conquer dozens of countries (many of which suffer from unreliable mobile data reception).
CitrusBits implemented sophisticated image handling, data synchronization, GPS, utilization of offline user environments, and many more advanced techniques to keep the app working quickly and beautifully everywhere – all at a minimum download size. In addition to the highly-scalable technologies they implemented to make the user experience fantastic, they also made a robust admin portal. Menu items, coupons, restaurant locations, and other data that needs to be managed on a store-by-store basis is handled elegantly with a beautiful web portal so managers have 100% control over what to show their users.
CitrusBits donned their shining armor and came to the rescue by creating an incredibly optimized app that gave users the royal treatment – resulting in 400,000 monthly user acquisitions, 1.3 million monthly engagements, and a 1000% ROI. CitrusBits took the Burger King App from averaging one and two star reviews, to receiving a 4.5 star average rating over millions of users in the six months following the launch. Burger King was so impressed that they elected to migrate users from all other apps related to the franchise into the amazing one CitrusBits built for them.
“CitrusBits is firmly planted at the intersection of user-focused design, mobile app development, digital strategy, and emerging technologies.”