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The purpose of anti-terrorist activities launched by the Azerbaijani Army in Karabakh was announced

September 20, 2023: Azerbaijan has launched “anti-terrorist activities” in the Nagorno-Karabakh region to restore constitutional order and disarm what it calls Armenian military formations in the area. This development raises concerns about the region’s potential new conflict.

On Tuesday, reports of loud shelling were heard in Stepanakert, the capital of Karabakh, as seen in unverified social media footage.

Azerbaijan’s defense ministry has expressed its intention to disarm Armenian armed forces and secure their

withdrawal from Azerbaijani territories, using what it describes as “high-precision weapons” while avoiding harm to civilians. They claim this operation is aimed at restoring constitutional order.

The statement also mentions the creation of humanitarian corridors for civilians to leave, including one leading to Armenia. Armenia, however, has asserted that its armed forces are not present in Karabakh and stated that the situation on its border with Azerbaijan remains stable.

Although internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh has an ethnically Armenian population and declared independence from Baku in the early 1990s, leading to a war. Azerbaijan recaptured some territory in a 2020 war, but ethnic Armenian authorities still control parts of Karabakh, including its capital.

A ceasefire brokered by Russia and enforced by Russian peacekeepers has been fragile, marked by frequent shelling and mutual accusations.

 Armenia has expressed concerns about Russia’s ability to guarantee its security, especially amidst Russia’s involvement in the conflict in Ukraine.

Russia’s foreign ministry has indicated that it is in contact with Azerbaijan and will release a statement soon.

This military operation by Azerbaijan comes after it reported the deaths of six of its citizens in separate incidents caused by landmines, which they attributed to “illegal Armenian armed groups.”

 Armenia had previously expressed concerns that Azerbaijan’s diplomatic stance suggested preparations for military action.

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The purpose of anti-terrorist activities launched by the Azerbaijani Army in Karabakh was announced