- February 9, 2025 2:11 pm
- California
David Hicks
David Hicks, CEO of TribeCX, provided the initial entrepreneurial spark that has now evolved into TribeCX’s market-leading products and services. He’s been involved in Customer Experience (CX) for more than two decades and has now invited the most successful senior CX practitioners to join TribeCX. The company works with clients to build the internal CX expertise to drive CX change and deliver business results. “If you’ve ever invested in CRM or VOC platforms that have not delivered promised ROI, we should talk”. TribeCX comprises 21 senior CX leaders who each have successfully led transformations to improve business results from CX. Fundamental to the success of all 21 Executives’ CX programs was their development of use cases “how to drive business performance from CX.” Building internal use cases with clients means their business can prioritize and plan based on hard evidence; it also allows then to build CX expertise IN their business.
David suggests senior executives are accountable for delivering ROI from customer experience investments (e.g., CRM, VOC); they have committed to do more with less. However, they have to achieve this with a team with varying levels of CX expertise and a deadline by which to prove that the CX investment they championed actually delivers results…sound familiar?
This is where TribeCX comes in. As CX practitioners, they have been in the client’s shoes and know what it takes to get results from CX. “Your team will be equipped to build the internal CX expertise using our digital playbook of proven tools and approach; your team will also receive close coaching from a proven senior practitioner to work with them to drive promised business results from CX change,” says David.
The detail in brief: The client identifies a known CX problem (e.g., deliver the promised business benefits from the CRM investment) TribeCX then works with the client’s team to set up a sprint team to redesign the experience using “Origin,” their proprietary digital playbook comprising proven frameworks and tools, alongside expert coaching. “Once the sprint is completed and business results proven, we apply the same frameworks and close coaching to build scaling and embedding expertise,” explains David. “Our goal is to get out of your way! Once results are proven, TribeCX steps back to being the ongoing coach and source of proven practice frameworks via Origin through a subscription.”
TribeCX has been engaged by Salesforce (in 17 countries) to help build client expertise to drive business results from CX investments and deliver the promised ROI from their Salesforce investment. They are also working with Qualtrics, Medallia, and InMoment to do the same; more informed clients can better drive business benefits from their VOC investments.
Case Study: A global parcels & logistics company had three previous attempts to embed CX expertise. They’d hired Big 5 players to “do CX to us,” and they had failed. TribeCX worked with leadership to identify five problem areas and coached five sprint teams to redesign and rapidly test CX changes in these five areas. Each of the five sprints delivered proven improvements in business performance directly from CX; ROI was over 10:1 in all cases, in one sprint over 150:1. Of more importance was developing a large group of CX champions, each now trained in the use of CX tools and approaches and an evidence-based roadmap to drive CX across the business.
Case study: A market-leading global publisher with considerable investment in a Big 5 player, felt it had developed an ongoing reliance on them to scale each proven change. The Group CX lead wanted to build CX expertise in their business and asked TribeCX to work with teams on known CX problems in two BU’s to deliberately build CX expertise in their business; this proved faster and directly delivered business performance from CX and created a team of CX champions. Word spread on how to make CX expertise in the organization, and now TribeCX tools and approaches are being applied to 13 initiatives in 5 other BU’s and embedded at the Corporate level.
Response to Covid: TribeCX’s most significant achievement has been the development of “Smart Map” as part of its response to Covid. “Our response to Covid was to stop selling and instead to be available to CX leaders, providing a sounding board and coaching for how their company might respond to Covid. After discussions with 70 CX leaders (all at no charge), we distilled the learning into a structured approach called “Smart Map” that provides the framework to collaborate and build a “smart map.” This sets out what to “do now, do next, do later.” We’ve asked all participants if this has been helpful, and we’ve had a 5/5 score for 87% of discussions. Those doing the right thing at this time will be unforgettable; those doing the wrong thing will be unforgivable, ” elucidates David.
With that, David emphasizes that the Smart Map is still available for free to all Senior Leaders and has now completed over 200, and it’s still offered at no charge. “During Covid, organizations accelerated deployment of digital tools and approaches to facilitate trading through the crises,” he explains. “Now leaders are focused on digital transformation, to ensure delivery of cost-saving (bottom line) improvements, and a few also on the top line (revenue from retention, penetration, acquisition). To drive maximum business performance from CX and leverage these investments, this means CX change expertise is required across the business, and something TribeCX is uniquely able to do.”
Website: https://tribecx.com/
David Hicks is also Chair of www.TMD.ca
“At the heart of our solution is our CX Experience Playbook that your teams use to drive successful transformation. It’s their go-to guide for how you do CX in your business. Our secret sauce is that your teams also get coached on how to deliver results from the change by senior CX practitioners who have been in your shoes.”