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MGE Seeks PSC Approval for Second Shared Solar Program

MGE Energy, a prominent electric utility company, has submitted a formal request to the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC) for approval to establish a second iteration of its successful Shared Solar program. This program offers an opportunity for customers unable to install traditional rooftop solar panels to participate in the benefits of renewable energy generation.

The original Shared Solar program, launched in 2017, garnered significant interest from MGE customers. The program allows participants to subscribe to shares of a solar energy facility, enabling them to receive a credit on their monthly electricity bills that reflect the amount of solar energy their subscribed share generates.

The proposed second phase of the program, designated as “Shared Solar 2.0,” would construct additional solar generation facilities specifically dedicated to serving program participants. This expansion is intended to meet MGE customers’ growing demand for renewable energy options and further diversify the company’s energy portfolio.

MGE anticipates that Shared Solar 2.0 will offer participation opportunities to a broader range of customers compared to the initial program. The company has not yet disclosed the specific details of the proposed expansion. Still, it is expected to encompass a larger geographic area and potentially incorporate a wider variety of subscription tiers to cater to diverse customer needs.

The PSC is responsible for evaluating MGE’s proposal and determining whether to approve the implementation of Shared Solar 2.0. The commission will consider various factors during its review process, including the program’s potential environmental benefits, its cost-effectiveness for both MGE and its customers, and its overall impact on the stability and reliability of the electricity grid.

The expansion of MGE’s Shared Solar program comes amidst a growing consumer preference for renewable energy sources. Shared Solar programs such as this one serve as a valuable tool for utility companies to expand their renewable energy offerings and empower customers to make informed choices regarding their energy consumption.

By expanding access to solar energy, MGE’s Shared Solar 2.0 program has the potential to contribute meaningfully to Wisconsin’s clean energy goals while providing customers with a cost-effective and environmentally responsible way to power their homes and businesses.

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